Recognized as being of public-utility and approved by the State, the French cycle touring federation (FFCT) gathers 3 100 affiliated clubs and 126 500 members, including 21 000 women and 10 000 juniors.

Each year, 4 500 bike trips are organised under its auspice all over the french territory, gathering more than 2 millions adepts of all ages.

Its national and international actions are unanimously recognized by institutional organisations, positionning the FFCT as a major player in the development of cycle touring in Europe and in the world.

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The French cycle touring federation has choosen Strasbourg to organise this significant meeting. This place has many assets :

– a border town with a central geographical location in Europe

– a wide welcoming capacity with important hotel infrastructures

– an appropriate cycling network, positionning Strasbourg urban area as a leader in this field

While Strasbourg is an off-center location considering the french territory, it has a central position in western Europe. The Alsatian capital has an outstanding historical heritage. The city-center is entirely listed as a UNESCO world heritage site since 1988, including Notre-Dame Cathedral and the neighbourhood of “Petite France”.

Close to Germany, the city is deeply bicultural, with a strong and exceptional architectural heritage.

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